

"As a recipient of your coaching with the ELI Assessment tool, I know firsthand how powerful it is! I came to our session feeling discouraged and hopeless about a situation and left with a deep sense of purpose. The shift in my energy not only helped me get through that particular event but still provides benefits weeks later. I'm grateful our paths have crossed and excited to follow your journey."

- Elizabeth Cook

"Thank you, Dani, for your wisdom, knowledge, and skills you provided in my personal and business coaching sessions.

Your active listening, caring, support and direction has helped me advance in my life and career to the next level. You are an exemplary coach and positive role model that I both will highly recommend and will continue to connect for ongoing learning and growth."

- Maria C. Marulanda

"Dani is the kind of coach that leaves you feeling accomplished and clear in your goals toward next steps in your personal development. She’s a treasure."

-Jessica Badgley, Entrepreneur 

"Dani Einsohn’s coaching helped me tremendously. I had been thinking about doing a food blog for quite a while, and was totally stuck. Through gently probing questions, she helped me become unstuck and gain confidence that I can get this done. In the short time since our session, I made more progress toward fulfilling this dream than I did in the three years since I first thought about writing a food blog. My goals and affirmations are proudly displayed throughout my home office and I am sure that I will have my blog up and running by the end of October (the goal she helped me set!)"

- Marsha F.

Don't Wait - Get Started Today!

When you’re ready to make a change in your life, come to me, your women’s empowerment coach for support. With my 1-on-1 CORE Energy coaching approach, I am able to give you the individualized attention you deserve so that you can grow and thrive as never before!


Begin the journey to a life full of values, passion, fulfilled potential and Joy by getting in contact with Dani Einsohn Coaching today.

Free 30 Minute Click Here To See How We Can Work Together
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